Area Florists
Support Local Businesses!
As more customers demand locally grown flowers, florists are turning to local growers for fresh and unique specialty cutflowers.
Traditional garden type and old-fashioned flowers have made a comeback in recent years and local growers have been able to meet this demand.
Flower Fields Supports local florists & designers with wholesale prices and reliable weekly deliveries throughout the growing season!
Contact the following participating florists and request flowers from Flower Fields!
In Staunton:
Honeybee's Florist - 540-887-1221
Staunton Florist - 540-886-6223
In Waynesboro:
Waynesboro Florist - 540-949-8125
If you are a florist who would like to learn more about our beautiful fresh cut flowers contact us at (540) 849-8026 and ask about our "Grower's Choice" Bucket Program!